Saturday, April 30, 2011

Green Means Go!

So I thought I would explain a bit more the jobs my boys do on the job wheel.

My boys are 8, 12 & 14. So the expectation for how well they complete the job needs to stay age appropriate. When I introduce a new chore I work with them for awhile to teach them how to do it properly. That way they really are a help to me! I definitely don't expect perfection. With my 8 year old I still work with him on his job since he is younger. The point is to teach them responsibility. is our list that we rotate on the wheel. Each boy is in charge of 2 jobs a week.

1. Vacuum..this is for our living room and stairs. It is our main living area.

2. Sweep...the kitchen/eating area.

3. Garbage....take out trash from EVERY room in house. Replace bag.

4. Dinner....set the table, clear the table or even help cook. I have been slowly teaching them how to cook simple meals. The goal for me is to have them cook dinner or any meal to help out! Love this!! They each know a few breakfast meals that they can cook for the family. Such a huge help!!

5. Dishes....Empty and Load. Even the 8 year old is getting good at this!

6. Bathroom...In the past this only involved a daily wipe down of mirror, counter & sink because I was nervous about letting them use the cleaners for the toilet bowl. I knew they were toxic. Imagine my SHOCK when I found out that even my all-purpose cleaners and mirror cleaners have toxic chemicals that are HARMFUL!

So now, we ONLY use Get Clean products!! They are Safe, Powerful & Cheap! Seriously!!

I have been cleaning houses for 8 years and I have used alot of different products on many different houses and these are SIMPLY the best that I have EVER used.

And, best of all, it is completely SAFE for all of my boys to use and clean the Whole bathroom.

Can you just imagine how excited they are about this? HAHA!!

Actually...they really are great helpers.

So now in our house GREEN means GO with all jobs for each of us. We do not have to worry about coming into contact with any harmful or breathing in any toxins. The more I have researched these products the more EXCITED I have become because they truly are that GREAT!

Check out the website for more info and get on the ROAD to a CLEAN home.

Have a Blessed Day!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Job Wheel

I LOVE this job wheel we have been using for my 3 boys (ages 8, 12, 14)!!
I got the idea from my good friend (thanks Sheree!) who got the idea from her good friend (thanks Amy) know how it goes. Gotta love the mom network.

Anyway, the way I use it is super SIMPLE for us.
Each boy is given 2 jobs and we turn the wheel each week on Saturdays. The goal is for them to be done daily BEFORE any 'screen time', but sometimes life gets in the way. I am flexible. However, these are their paid jobs and they get a weekly allowance paid on Fridays. If the jobs are not done for the week, then no pay.
They each also have general jobs just for being part of the family that they do NOT get paid for. These include, laundry, cleaning rooms, toy pick up, yard work and any other extras dad or I ask them. Our motto "we are a family of five and we ALL pitch in!"

Here is a tutorial on how to make one for your kiddos...

1. Select Paper

2. Cut and Glue 3. Trace and Cut the 'wheel'

3. hubby gave me mine for Christmas and I use it all the time.
4. Tack on to the Bulletin Board....the little wheel will be able to turn.

You can tailor the jobs to work for your kids, but I really do love this! I have used many different charts, but it was way too hard for me to keep up with the check marks and/or stickers.

Hope this helps someone else too!

Have a Blessed Day!

I am linking to...

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Break in Schedule funny and appropriate is life sometimes!!
On the V.E.R.Y. day I decide to go live with this blog and favorite 12 year old (aka Carter) breaks his arm at school and interupts my perfectly
scheduled day!
I tell you, it got my attention. What better confirmation of the importance of savoring moments
with my family than a day taking care of my son? Although without the broken bone would have
been better.... : )

Here is a pic of the brave boy....

Have a Blessed Day!


Nice To Meet You

Welcome to Road to Simplify!

Glad you found me.

This is me, Claire, and my handsome hubby, Clark....

These are our three fabulous boys! Connor (14), Carter (12) and Caden (8)

Next year we will be embarking on a new adventure together. It is our plan to travel the US for a year in an rv! Our hope is to create invaluable time with our kids, visit family, experience different cultures and history and to simply serve others in need through non-profit organizations. Our projected launch date is July 1, 2012. I hope you will join in our journey in preparing for this fabulous opportunity.

This will include

* learning to live in a more minimalist lifestyle
* prep, prepare and organize our stick house for renters
*create mobile jobs and income to allow us the freedom to live this DREAM

Have a Blessed Day!