Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 8: Master Bathroom

Welcome to Day 8 of 31 Days of Decluttering!  If you are just joining us we are tackling the STUFF in our homes for 31 days to reduce the noise of clutter.  I was inspired by the Nesters challenge of 31 Days of Change and am purposing to complete this before the holidays hit as well as fulfilling a personal goal as explained here in Step 1.

Today we are diving in to the linen closet. 

Remember to ask yourself the 3 QUESTIONS in your decision making….

1.  Do I LOVE and USE it?  (keep)

2.  Can I donate it?

3.  Should it be thrown away?

Now get to it!  Set aside just 15 min to finish the task…and you are on your way to decluttering that linen closet.  And because I am such a visual person, here are a few pics of pretty linen closets to share.

linen closet

via web

linen closet 2

via web


Love the white and baskets!  Visually appealing and calming….

Have a blessed day!


1 comment:

  1. My linen closet has never come close to looking like this but I really wish it did! Maybe a new goal to strive for. Thanks for the inspiration!
