This one is a constant clutter for us with three boys! We are always looking for new ways to help the kids control it whether it’s passing it on to another child or organizing.
Here is a repost of how I help my youngest sort his toys….
WOW!! PLEASE tell me I am not the only house with a messy kid room?!
My youngest loves to play and play and play, but when it comes to clean up... not so much.
In his room he has cubbie shelves with bins for all of his small toys.
When the room gets like this, it tells me there is too much STUFF!
Time to SIMPLIFY and declutter.
I like to have my kids help with this process for a few reasons....
1. It's their stuff
2. It's their mess
3. Prime moment to teach the technique
After all, they won't always have mom to help....
So we separated the the legos, nerf guns & bullets and stuffed animals from the small loose toys. These toys get put away in their own place.
I pulled 3 bins out near the pile of small toys and told youngest it was time to downsize. We need to fit all of the STUFF into 2 bins.

He got right on it and was able to sort and toss it all quite quickly. He ended up with a good size bag that he doesn't need anymore.
Doesn't it look fabulous?! He was so proud of himself and I am proud to see him take such responsibility.

He loves it when his room is clean, too! I try to give lots of praise and really hype up how great it FEELS to have a clean room. Hopefully this will pay off in the long run.
He is overwhelmed if I tell him to clean his room, but if I break it into tasks he feels capable.
I think it helped having a specific task.
Give it a try with your kiddo!
Hope it helps you too!
Post a comment if you have tried this or if you have another idea!
Have a Blessed Day!