Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5: Purses & Bags



Hello!  If you are new here or missed a few days, we are on day 5 of 31 Days of Decluttering.  I was inspired to join in with the Nesters 31 Days of Change as explained HERE.  It’s not too late for you to dig in to decluttering with us!  We are taking our time and giving just 15 - 30 to tackle the daily task. Scroll down to see Days 1,2,3, & 4 on the right side and click on it.  It will get you up to speed.

So, my purses and bags are stored in my master closet and this will wrap up this area.  You may have yours stored in another spot.

I used my ‘pull everything out into a pile’ trick to see what I was dealing with.



WOW! There were bags and purses I didn’t even know I had!



I realized that I really don’t use most of these so I was able to purge a lot!  On the left side (I don’t know why this pic is blurry?)  there is this weird wasted space between the dresser and cube shelving.  We have always just shoved our travel bags there and piled them up.  Great system, right?  lol  I put 3 hooks on the wall and was able to hang them up.  Now I will be able to find the one I need without pulling out the whole pile.  I know, I know, big stuff!   I think it’s the type A in me that gets giddy about my things organized. 

But the biggest thrill is the EMPTY shelves!!  And, no, I am not planning on filling them up.  Remember our BIG plan?  I’ve got to downsize people.  This is just a tiny start but it feels good to see.

Anyone out there a bit type A like me and get super excited about open space?  Leave a comment….so we can rejoice together!

Have a Blessed Day!



psstt…come back tomorrow for more!


  1. I know I have some purses hanging out in my closet that I will never use again! Downsize!!
